[music,nature,fun.. that's my life]

Thursday, October 19, 2006

*aNoTher YeAr For Me*

oh common!! i'm already 18!!!! haha!! happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday happy birthday, happy birthday to me!!! (clap, clap, clap..) first of all, i want to thank God for this new year that he added into my life, inspite of my shortcomings to Him, He still is a really just God to forgive me. i want to thank Him for the blessings that he has poured upon me throught the years.. next, i want to thank my parentz, mama and papa (who's now in heaven), because without them, i wouldn,t be here in our chaotic world!! hahaha! ma, pa, thank you for being so understanding to me, especially mama. thank you for being with me through my ups and downs. thank you for being a good mother to me and my brother, and even though papa has left us, you haven't given up.. that's what a real mother is!! love you ma!! then, to my titos and titas who's been supporting me in different aspects of my life.. to my friends who's been with me through thick and thin, to my suitors (?!). haha! nevah mind! to all of you, thank you for making my life more wonderful and meaningful.. i owe you a lot feLLaz!!! keep rockin'!!!! \m/


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