*fiRst of tHe siXth*
wHew! zup gUyz? it's the first day of the monTh and unTil nOw, im not yet enroLLed.. hahaha! i reaLLy miss the scHooL... tHis coMing jUne 5, we'll be haVing an orientation fOr the HeaLth Care subject, but i'm not yet enrolled, as i've said. i need a schooL uniform, shOes, baG bUt, i doNt haVe a moNey yet to bUy thoSe stuFfs. hahaha! *pOor priNcess* but i'm hoPing that beFore the said orientaTion, i alreaDy have them.. herks..herks..... ok peopLe, i've goTTa go! bu-bYe! ^^,