Monday, November 30, 2009
haha, tagaL ko nawaLa ah. i've abandoned this bLog na kasi. but now, i'm back! hopefuLLy maging maayos pa reLationship ko with my bLogspot. haha !
Friday, September 07, 2007
*here i am aGain!*
im gLad to be hEre aGain... wHe ! afTer a Long tiMe of nOt haVing an enTry hEre in my dEar bLog ! ^_^ doN't hAve tiMe to fiLl in tHis bLog wiTh nEw entRie coz im quiTe buSy wiTh my stuDies......... aNyone of yOu wHo waNts to haVe coMmunicaTion wiTh me, kindLy LeaVe a coMment so i couLd giVe yOu my diGits, if yOu deserVe it *LoL* ... goTta go gUys !! bYe !! ^_^
Friday, June 01, 2007
*fiRst of tHe siXth*
wHew! zup gUyz? it's the first day of the monTh and unTil nOw, im not yet enroLLed.. hahaha! i reaLLy miss the scHooL... tHis coMing jUne 5, we'll be haVing an orientation fOr the HeaLth Care subject, but i'm not yet enrolled, as i've said. i need a schooL uniform, shOes, baG bUt, i doNt haVe a moNey yet to bUy thoSe stuFfs. hahaha! *pOor priNcess* but i'm hoPing that beFore the said orientaTion, i alreaDy have them.. herks..herks..... ok peopLe, i've goTTa go! bu-bYe! ^^,
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
*new sChool, new world*
this school year, i'll be transferring from nazarenus college foundation to dr.yanga's college inc. my reasons? it's kinda personal, so better not to publish.. ^^
im gonna meet new people, classmates and friends, and i hope i can easily adopt the surroundings. i'm a friendly person so i guess i won't have problems in bein close with them.
i will miss my friends in my former school, my true friends. i've got lots of friends but not all of them is true. i know some of them are betraying me, but it's not my problem. it's there conscience whose gonna bother them because of what the've done to me. i've been a good friend to them and i guess, there's no reason for them to mess up.
anyway, by june, i hope that everyone would be transparent. if they don't like me, then, tell me..i don't need people who pretends. i hate pretenders!
im hoping to gain more friends, true friends. and also, i'm gonna my best coz i aim high. i want to be in the dean's list this time, because i failed to do so last school year...
*dont stop dreaming girl!!! go on!!!*
kulit_22 ... miXsmuZik
im gonna meet new people, classmates and friends, and i hope i can easily adopt the surroundings. i'm a friendly person so i guess i won't have problems in bein close with them.
i will miss my friends in my former school, my true friends. i've got lots of friends but not all of them is true. i know some of them are betraying me, but it's not my problem. it's there conscience whose gonna bother them because of what the've done to me. i've been a good friend to them and i guess, there's no reason for them to mess up.
anyway, by june, i hope that everyone would be transparent. if they don't like me, then, tell me..i don't need people who pretends. i hate pretenders!
im hoping to gain more friends, true friends. and also, i'm gonna my best coz i aim high. i want to be in the dean's list this time, because i failed to do so last school year...
*dont stop dreaming girl!!! go on!!!*
kulit_22 ... miXsmuZik
*suMMer vaCatiOn's oVer*
summer vacaTion's getting near to it's end.. actually, to tell you frankly, i haven't totally enjoyed this vacation. i haven't had a summer job, i haven't gone to baguio for a youth camp, but although i failed to have and experience those things, im still happy coz i was able to teach kids ,aging 3-6, last may8-11 during our daily vacation bible school. even though it's some kinda messy, it's still fun coz i was able to teach them right and of course, i've got the chance to mingle with them, an act like a kid too. haha.. our theme for this year's dvbs is 'we shine for Jesus'. i taught them not only bible stories but also the songs for the dvbs. im glad that even though i didn't practiced the theme song well, i had taught it to them right, but sometimes, i get out of tune because i don't know the tune totally. haha! anyways, im also glad because i've already told my mom one of my secrets.. but i can't post it here because as i've said, it's a secret. *sorry* hehe..
i hope that everyone is enjoying there summer vacation, even though it's getting near to it's end. for those who haven't enjoyed there vecation, don't you worry, there's still summer vacation, next year.. ahhaha!
i hope that everyone is enjoying there summer vacation, even though it's getting near to it's end. for those who haven't enjoyed there vecation, don't you worry, there's still summer vacation, next year.. ahhaha!
Monday, January 22, 2007
*exCuse me*
oh! it's been a long time since i have posted my last entry. it's getting hard for me to keep this blog going.. anyways, just wanna share to you some of my experiences, not only in school. today is january 22, and today is my day. it's "kulit"s bday and im so happy.. who's kulit? it's up for you to find out. (hmm..) tomorrow will be our shifting exam in biochemistry so i need to burn my brows. hahaha! (magsunog ng kilay baga..) hay, til next time coz im running out of time. bye!!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
**the real me**
other people thinks that i'm a rocker... uhm, am i? for me, just a bit. im not a rocker who slams with the band, who keeps on listening to rock musics, who would wear black all the time, who would go for a fight.. if you wuld ask me if what kind of rocker am i, its simply as this:
-a rocker who claims that JESUS is my rock
-a rocker who loves to know everything about my idol, JESUS
-who loves music so much, especially gospel songs
i just love black and dark colors because it emphasizes my complexion.. i also love wearing eyeliner because it gives life to my eyes. black cutics coz i find it cute.
but, if thats how a rocker is, then, i am. but i'm different from them.. and, i dont want to change the way i am. this is me! i love being me.. and this is how the way i used to be..
-a rocker who claims that JESUS is my rock
-a rocker who loves to know everything about my idol, JESUS
-who loves music so much, especially gospel songs
i just love black and dark colors because it emphasizes my complexion.. i also love wearing eyeliner because it gives life to my eyes. black cutics coz i find it cute.
but, if thats how a rocker is, then, i am. but i'm different from them.. and, i dont want to change the way i am. this is me! i love being me.. and this is how the way i used to be..
**my busy life**
oh! its getting hard for me to keep my blog goin... i've been so busy with so many things in my life.. but, i'm happy with it, no dull moments.. haha! well, about my scooling, i really enjoy learning lots of things.. i can say that my fave subjects are biochemistry and philosophy of man.. i find both of them very interesting. and oh! you know what? i've been earning knowledge through philosophizing! haha! that's how it really is... and you know? i dont understand why theres a lot of people, especially teens like me, who keeps on telling that going to school is boring.. well, i guess, everyone has their own reason in life, and i'm not meant to,you know, to criticize their reasoning.. this is a democratic country and everyone has their own freedom!!! haha!! long live!!
Saturday, October 28, 2006
*seMesTraL brEak's geTting NeaR tO iT's eNd*
i haven't felt the spirit of sem break.. whew.. i'm still busy with my works even though we have this 3-week vacation. but i'm not complaining, anyways. i'm glad with the result of my grades because i haven't got a failing grade. next sem, i'll be doing my best for me to attain higher grades and to belong in the dean's list.. oh!! christmas is getting nearer!! merry christmas everyone!! have a nice day...